Thursday, 29 April 2010


‘…is an American neologism and marketing term for preteen. A blend of between and teen "tween" in this context is generally considered to cover the age range from eight to twelve years. (

Tweens are the perfect group to market towards. They hold a great influence over how family finance is spent – whether its holidays, food, clothes and/or luxuries. Marketers refer to a technique called PESTER POWER.

Web definition of PESTER POWER: Refers to children's ability to nag their parents into purchasing items they may not otherwise buy.

Also, creating this relationship with kids/teens at an early age means they are more likely to continue to purchase into the brand. For example: McDonalds offering free toys with happy meals, this will build a relationship with the consumer and hopefully mean they will continue to eat there even when they have grown up enough for a LARGE BIG MAC MEAL!!

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